Daniel Burns was just 28 years old when he was diagnosed with colon cancer. The years that followed were riddled with hardship as he bravely fought for his life. Daniel was so blessed and he knew it. Regardless of his circumstances he was always positive and thankful. Grace was extended to him from so many – some that didn’t even know him. He received checks in the mail from all over the United States from people who were connected to him only through other friends. He said, “We don’t ever hear about people’s kindness – that’s what should be on the news.”
In August of 2004, Daniel became terminal. A tumor had developed in his stomach and a major blood vessel was intertwined. It was inoperable. The next seven months were spent making peace, finding unconditional love, and making memories – some bittersweet. I asked Daniel one night what his life’s regret was. His reply was swift. “I have spent my life living it for me and I didn’t realize that there were people around me who needed my help – even the elderly lady down the street who needed help taking in groceries. Now that I realize it, I am not able,” he said. I knew at that moment that while Daniel couldn’t, we could.
Daniel died on March 12, 2005, but his legacy lives on.
Almost ten years later, Daniel’s Grace was born to do what Daniel couldn’t. Today we provide financial assistance for daily living needs to families battling cancer. We pay rent, mortgage payments, car payments, utilities, insurance premiums, and COBRA premiums, just to name a few. We also have a college scholarship program for students who have been directly affected by cancer.